Attorney Haven Charlo is a Family Lawyer from Henderson, Texas providing high quality and affordable legal representation for clients going through a divorce, seeking custody or child support, or dealing with a CPS investigation. If you’re seeking a skilled and experienced Divorce and Family Attorney, call the Charlo Law Firm, PLLC, today!


At the Charlo Law Firm, PLLC, we have extensive experience in every type of Family Law litigation you may face. Some of the most common reasons clients in Henderson, TX need a Family Lawyer are:

Divorce Lawyer

Couples get divorced for many reasons, including marital unfaithfulness, domestic abuse, or an unsafe environment. At the Charlo Law Firm, PLLC, we are here to support you and help you navigate this difficult season as smoothly as possible.

Our Divorce Attorney for Henderson will walk you step by step through the process, making sure you come out of this season as healthy and whole as possible.

Child custody

Often the hardest part of any divorce case is child custody battles. We all want what’s best for our children and work hard to make decisions in their best interest. On some occasions, one parent may be better equipped to provide care for the children, while in other circumstances, the children may be unsafe with the other parent. The Charlo Law Firm, PLLC, can advise you and help you file any necessary paperwork, including protective orders, termination of parental rights, or applying for child support.

More than anything, our priority is for your family to be as whole as it can safely be. We do not take any of these decisions lightly and will not pressure you to do anything that does not promote the health and safety of you and your children for profit. Please call the Charlo Law Firm, PLLC, to speak to an attorney you can trust.

Property disputes

Dividing property fairly is often a challenging and tense process. Some property is of high value and deciding who gets what may leave the other party lacking. Other property has sentimental value. You need a skilled lawyer on your side to ensure you get what you deserve.

Child support

Many people do not realize that when they file for child support, the Attorney General’s office is not fighting for them, they are fighting for the state. That’s why it’s essential to call a Family Lawyer in Henderson, TX anytime the Attorney General gets involved. They are not concerned with protecting your rights, but Haven Charlo is.

CPS defense

If CPS has contacted you, please call the Charlo Law Firm, PLLC, right away to keep your family safe and intact. Haven Charlo will do everything possible to ensure the wellbeing of your children. If your kids are facing danger at home and have to be removed for a time, we will work hard to get them placed in the home of a close family member rather than a foster home.

How much does a Henderson, TX family lawyer cost?

Family Law cases may be straightforward or very complex. Often, they begin one way and end another. For this reason, these cases are nearly impossible to provide you with a fixed cost. Any lawyer you speak with who makes it sound like his or her figures are set in stone rather than a rough estimate is not being honest with you.

At the Charlo Law Firm, PLLC, we are committed to providing you with the most realistic and honest estimate we can. Attorney Haven Charlo will also give you her professional opinion as to whether or not you have a case that can be won. If yours is highly unlikely to be successful, we do not want to waste your time or money.

We will give you an honest assessment of your case and let you know if you have a chance of winning or not so that you can make the most informed decision.

How long will my case take to resolve?

Similar to providing an exact cost for a Family Law case, accurately predicting the length of time a divorce, child custody case, or property dispute will take is nearly impossible. The case may seem straightforward at first but become complicated during litigation proceedings, or visa-versa. When you’re dealing with Family Law, you’re dealing with real human beings, which always makes things complicated.

We will do our best to explain the process and give you an idea of how long it may take if the case goes one way versus another.

We serve our clients with accessibility and convenience

Many of our clients work day jobs and cannot afford to take time off of work every week, or multiple times a week, to meet with their Family Lawyer in Henderson. If that describes your situation, we want you to know that the Charlo Law Firm, PLLC, works hard to make all of our services convenient and accessible. For your convenience, we offer electronic signatures, online payment options, and communicate as much as possible through email.

If you’d like to schedule a consultation with a Henderson Texas Divorce Attorney or Family Lawyer that you can trust, please contact the Law Offices of Haven Charlo today.

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Call us at 903-212-2272